March 24, 2020 - In Landbase

Minimum Requirements for Change of Use from Residential to Self Catering Establishment


Applications for change of use will be considered only for houses that have already been completed. Those applications for change of use may be considered provided they meet the set minimum requirements or are modifiable to meet these requirements as set out below. These criteria have been adopted as the policy for change of use application of private residential house to tourism accommodation. 

If an application for change of use is approved and has more than one bedroom, the whole house should be rented as one unit and cannot rent out rooms individually. 

Change of use will only be considered in areas classified as medium and low density residential only, with corresponding plot coverage of 35% and 30%. Same activity shall not be considered in high residential areas, unless land use planning has taken special considerations based on specific criteria’s. Change of use shall be considered only where the property in question is of high standard. 

All change of use applications must be submitted to the Planning Authority for consideration and approval. Occupancy certificates must be sought prior to the application of license at the Seychelles Licensing Authority. 

Attached Documents

  • Minimum-Criteria-for-Change-of-Use-Self-Catering-Effective-24th-March-2020 pdf (471kb) [ download ]

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